Tuesday, 24 January 2012

British Animation Awards

I am pleased to report that Out on the Tiles will be part of the British Animation Awards 2012 as part of the public choice and student catergorys. It will be screened in various cities throughout the UK. For more information on the BAA, follow this link - http://www.britishanimationawards.com/


My updated showreel!

September 2011

In September I was commisioned to make this minature blanket for use in an animated music video directed and animated by the very talanted Anna Ginsburg. It is entirely hand knitted using 1mm needles and is approximately 20cm x 18cm.  The triangular pieces are wired together allowing the entire blanket to unravel piece by piece during the animation! (A slightly heartbreaking fact for me as it took a substantial chunk of my life to create!! But worth it looking at the finished animation.) The music video cannot be named yet, but when that time comes I'll be sure to post a link or two! Until then, enjoy this tiny knitting!